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@article{ Kaluzhsky2013,
 title = {Институционализм и экзогенная интерпретация экономических процессов},
 author = {Kaluzhsky, Mikhail},
 journal = {Омский научный вестник},
 number = {1},
 pages = {52-55},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {1813-8225},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Article about synthesis of theory the self-organizing and the institutional economic theory. The author proves the thesis about exogenous an origin of institutional processes in economy and cyclic institutional development.},
 keywords = {institutional factors; Marketing; institutionelle Faktoren; Wirtschaftssystem; institutional economics; marketing; Selbstorganisation; institutionalism; Institutionalismus; self-organization; Institutionstheorie; economic system; theory of institutions; Institutionenökonomie}}