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@book{ Klimczuk2013,
 title = {Raport Desk Research: Stan adaptacyjności pracowników oświaty do warunków rynkowych},
 author = {Klimczuk, Andrzej},
 year = {2013},
 pages = {105},
 address = {Białystok},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This report discusses the following topics: basics of the vocational training system in Poland; causes of change in the development of vocational schools; formal and legal aspects of the school cooperation with the environment; modernization of vocational schools based on the development programs; combining the flexibility of employment with the Teacher Card.},
 keywords = {Berufsbildung; vocational education; Berufsschule; part-time vocational school; Polen; Poland; Bildungspolitik; educational policy}}