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@article{ Gómez Gallego2011,
 title = {La burbuja del oro y el proyecto angostura en el páramo de Santurbán},
 author = {Gómez Gallego, Jorge},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {1-2},
 pages = {24-26},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {2027-2391},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The discussions now going on in Colombia by 
the announcement of aggressive projects consisting of gold holdings in the open, would not occur if we were not attending on the planet to the 
growth of a giant bubble around the metal.},
 keywords = {Kolumbien; Colombia; Bergbau; mining; Gold; gold; Spekulation; speculation; Widerstand; resistance}}