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@article{ Kaluzhsky1998,
 title = {Проблемы общественного самоуправления в свете теории самоорганизации},
 author = {Kaluzhsky, Mikhail},
 journal = {Городское управление},
 number = {5},
 pages = {47-49},
 volume = {22},
 year = {1998},
 issn = {1992-8009},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Article about system essence of social contradictions between a society and the power inevitably arising at level of municipal management. On the basis of V. Pareto heritage and the theory of self-organising of I. Prigozhin the author analyzes deep problems of formation of a civil society in Russia.},
 keywords = {Systemtheorie; system theory; soziales System; social system; Kommunikation; communication; Fallstudie; case study; Marktforschung; market research; Inhaltsanalyse; content analysis; Massenmedien; mass media; Sozialpolitik; social policy; Reform; reform; Wirtschaftsreform; economic reform; Förderung; promotion; Zivilgesellschaft; civil society; Russland; Russia; Governance; governance}}