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@book{ Lehrke2010,
 title = {The London conference on Afghanistan: a new strategy in need of further specification},
 author = {Lehrke, Jesse Paul},
 year = {2010},
 series = {CAPerspectives},
 pages = {4},
 volume = {1/2010},
 address = {München},
 publisher = {Universität München, Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Centrum für angewandte Politikforschung (C.A.P) Bertelsmann Forschungsgruppe Politik},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"The 28 January 2010 London conference on Afghanistan aimed "to move the international effort forward in three key areas": Security, Governance and Development, and Regional Support. The conference set out clear ambitions in each of these areas and announced several new policies to meet these ambitions. How the broad policies agreed at the conference can be transformed into executable programmes and identification of possible dangers for programme implementation are the next steps that must be taken." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Regionalförderung; Konferenz; conference; security; governance; promotion of development; Hilfeleistung; Governance; regional promotion; Afghanistan; assistance; Entwicklungsförderung; Sicherheit; Afghanistan}}