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@article{ Tsvetkova2013,
 title = {Образ россиянина в контексте процессов модернизации моногорода},
 author = {Tsvetkova, Irina},
 journal = {Koncept (Kirov): Scientific and Methodological e-magazine},
 number = {2},
 pages = {1-6},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2304-120X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article deals with the collective image of the "citizen of Russia", "Russian" on the basis of empirical studies conducted in the city of Togliatti in 2008-2012. The author draws attention to the link frequency drive respondents mentioning the positive and negative qualities of "Russian" and assess the quality of social relations in the company towns},
 keywords = {soziale Beziehungen; quality; Qualität; Industrialisierung; Russia; town; modernization; social relations; Russland; Modernisierung; industrialization; Stadt}}