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@article{ Melnic2014,
 title = {Protection of the Minor - a Victim of Crimes against Life and Health in Some European Countries},
 author = {Melnic, Violeta},
 journal = {Studii Europene},
 number = {2},
 pages = {35-53},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2345-1041},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The treaties and the regulations of the Council of Europe offered greater protection to minors against the attacks on their lives and health. However, the effective implementation of this is carried out through national criminal laws. In the European countries, the criminal laws set certain infringements against the minor’s life and health including aggravating offenses, which are committed by a certain person against minors. Some of them are similar, others, though, differ from one state to another, which consequently requires their unification to ensure a minimum of protection.},
 keywords = {Menschenrechte; human rights; Minderjährigkeit; underage; Kinderschutz; child protection; Gewalt; violence; sexueller Missbrauch; sexual abuse; Prävention; prevention; Europäischer Gerichtshof; European Court of Justice; Kinderrechte; children's rights; Strafrecht; criminal law; Europa; Europe}}