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@article{ Coleman2007,
 title = {Making Space for Difference: The CARPP Approach to Action Research},
 author = {Coleman, Gill and Gearty, Margaret},
 journal = {International Journal of Action Research},
 number = {1+2},
 pages = {190-214},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2007},
 issn = {1861-1303},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"At the Centre for Action Research in Professional Practice (CARPP), action
research is embodied in a distinctive way that is eclectic and varied
yet thematically coherent and values-based. This paper offers an articulation
of this approach, using an experimental presentational form that combines
descriptive storied form with analytical exploration. This exploration
describes CARPP Action Research as the creation of ‘different
spaces’ in which the action researcher/facilitator seeks to create qualities
of boundedness, safety and validity, working with participants through cycles
of action and reflection. Practices to engender such qualities are described
and it is proposed that these offer an ‘emancipatory potential’ that,
when realised, enables participants to take action outwards to the social
and institutional settings of which they are a part. Two illustrative stories
of practice are given, one describing how an MSc student in CARPP established
an inquiry group, the other describing an action research programme
with managers. The stories show how some of the qualities and
values of the Centre are enacted through detailed practice that is sensitive
to context. Links to critical theory are offered, and some questions as to
the enduring consequences of such practice are considered." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Aktionsforschung; action research; Berufsforschung; occupational research; Emanzipation; emancipation}}