Bibtex export


@article{ Brück1990,
 title = {Orientierungspunkte zu Jugend und Rechtsextremismus},
 author = {Brück, Wolfgang},
 journal = {Jugendhilfe},
 number = {9},
 pages = {249-253},
 volume = {28},
 year = {1990},
 issn = {0022-5940},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Jugend; youth; Jugendlicher; adolescent; Rechtsradikalismus; right-wing radicalism; politische Einstellung; political attitude; Ideologie; ideology; soziales Milieu; social milieu; Entfremdung; alienation; politische Willensbildung; formulation of political objectives; DDR; German Democratic Republic (GDR); Wende; turn of events}}