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@article{ Nechaev2012,
 title = {Some aspects of the financing innovation enterprises in the Russian Federation},
 author = {Nechaev, Andrey Sergeevich and Antipin, Dmitriy Alekseevich},
 journal = {Modern Research of Social Problems},
 number = {3},
 pages = {15},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2218-7405},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The aim of this study is to identify problems and identify options to improve 
current approaches to securing financial resources of innovation activities of enterprises.
The study used the methods of systematic and comparative analysis.
According to the results of the study proposed a scheme of funding sources and 
forms of innovation in enterprises. The novelty of the scheme is presented in a comprehensive approach, which shows the sources of funding for innovation activities by 
type of property ownership levels, relative to the property, as well as forms of financing innovative enterprises. In addition, on the basis of the study authors proposed an 
algorithm of financing innovative enterprises, based on debt issuance. The developed 
algorithm allows the use of innovative financing in the process of the most important 
sources of funds from various fields and thus solve the problem of resource support 
for innovation. The novelty of this algorithm is a sequential process involving the investment of various categories of potential investors for the financing of innovative 
companies in the Russian Federation. The proposed financial instruments aimed at 
stimulating innovation in enterprises.},