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@article{ Kislyakov2012,
 title = {Study social safe environment of the educational institutions in network research and education center of the pedagogical university},
 author = {Kislyakov, Pavel Aleksandrovich},
 journal = {Modern Research of Social Problems},
 number = {2},
 pages = {12},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2218-7405},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Purpose: on the base of analysis of contemporary educational policy justify the 
need for creation network research and education center for the study of social 
security environment of educational institutions.
Methodology: a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, 
a study of official documents governing the safety  of  education and upgrading of 
teacher education.
Results: The purpose and objectives of the network center, principles of 
formation of the social security environment of educational institutions.
Practical implications: the system of high education, general education, 
additional education of educators.},