Endnote export


%T Labour migration for vulnerable communities: a strategy to adapt to a changing environment
%A Moor, Nicole de
%P 24
%V 101
%D 2011
%= 2012-11-30T10:16:00Z
%~ USB Köln
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-380647
%X "The interconnection between migration and development is rising on global, regional and
national agendas. This paper will look into labour migration as a possible strategy to adapt to
a changing environment, and to increase resilience of disaster-affected populations. According
to the UN Human Development Report, international migration can contribute greatly to
human welfare and development. The phenomenon of climate change, which now poses
new challenges to both migration and development, asks for a comprehensive adaptation
strategy to help and protect vulnerable populations. Facilitating legal migration for vulnerable
communities affected by environmental disruptions, is both a way to prevent forced displacement,
and to reduce the vulnerability of the population. Through a case study of the
Colombian Temporary and Circular Labour Migration Scheme (TCLM), this paper analyses
how international migration could be facilitated for disaster-affected communities. Through
this innovative migration model, Colombians facing recurring natural disasters are offered a
livelihood alternative through temporary work abroad, while affected regions can recuperate.
By supporting migrants in maximizing the impact of remittances on the recovery of their place
of origin, the TCLM programme increases their resilience to environmental disruptions. This
paper aims to contribute to the discussion on the nexus between migration, development and
adaptation to environmental degradation. It illustrates how a European Member State can
offer environmentally vulnerable people a livelihood alternative, by enabling them to temporarily
migrate overseas. The focus of this paper is on the legal framework supporting the
TCLM programme, and on the legal conditions for its consolidation and replication in other
EU Member States. Best practices of migration programmes for vulnerable communities
could lead to appropriate policy recommendations, or could even serve as an example for
the elaboration of environmental migration programmes in the European Union." [author's abstract]
%C Bielefeld
%G en
%9 Konferenzbeitrag
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info