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@book{ Dupeyron2010,
 title = {Transnational migrants in Europe: stigmatization, juridicization and trade union activism},
 author = {Dupeyron, Bruno},
 year = {2010},
 series = {COMCAD Working Papers},
 pages = {14},
 volume = {79},
 address = {Bielefeld},
 publisher = {Universität Bielefeld, Fak. für Soziologie, Centre on Migration, Citizenship and Development (COMCAD)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Methodological nationalism restricts the focus on transnational migrants in Europe, in particular
in the Upper-Rhine border area (France-Germany-Switzerland). Three main limitations
can be underlined: to start with, the ignorance of nationalism in contemporary social science
research, including in migration and border studies; moreover, the naturalization of the nation-
state that contributes to shape numerous social science biases; finally, territorial limitations
that constrain research topics (Wimmer and Glick Schiller 2002).
To overcome those issues, this research combines three methodological perspectives: first,
a socio-historical analysis of transnational migrants in the Rhineland area, in order to comprehend
past and contemporary dynamics; second, a socio-political approach that stresses
the migrants’ “ways of being” (Glick Schiller 2005), including their activism and rhetoric, e.g.
direct observations and interviews in multiple sites; third, a pluri-scalar approach that implies
several levels of analysis, e.g. local, regional, cross-border, transnational and supra-national.
The analysis of transnational migrants’ public action in the Rhineland Valley suggests a triple
hypothesis: those transnational migrants’ activists elaborate a public discourse against a
specific political and social stigmatization (Becker [1963] 1997); they also institutionalize and
reinforce social movements with highly trained lawyers that defend their interests at the highest
European jurisdictional level; they create empirically an original form of transnational
quasi-trade unions." [author's abstract]},
 keywords = {Migration; migration; Migrationsforschung; migration research; Stigmatisierung; stigmatization; Verrechtlichung; juridification; Rheinland; Rhenish Prussia; Schweiz; Switzerland; Frankreich; France; Migrant; migrant; soziale Bewegung; social movement; Gewerkschaft; trade union}}