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@article{ Iosif2013,
 title = {Une proposition de circuit géotouristique avec un guide des Gorges du Danube en Roumanie},
 author = {Iosif, Daniel},
 journal = {Cinq Continents},
 number = {7},
 pages = {114-126},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2247-2290},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In the previous issue of this journal we published 
a research on the geo(morpho)logic characteristics of the Iron Gates in Romania and the existing issues regarding a study of geosites. This 
time we tried to develop a geotourism circuit comprising some high value geosites. It should be mentioned that the proposed circuit is not part of any touristic offer, so it can be integrated immediately into local geotourism programs. This circuit is created to ameliorate the geotourism and to increase the overall tourist offer of Romanian  Danube Gorges.},
 keywords = {Rumänien; Romania; Tourismus; tourism; Wirtschaftssektor; economic sector}}