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@article{ Fichter2006,
 title = {Industrial relations and European integration},
 author = {Fichter, Michael},
 journal = {Industrielle Beziehungen : Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management},
 number = {2},
 pages = {176-183},
 volume = {13},
 year = {2006},
 issn = {0943-2779},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Sammelbesprechung zu: (1) Keller, Berndt/ Hans-Wolfgang Platzer (eds.) (2003): Industrial Relations and European Integration. Trans- und Supranational Developments and Prospects. Aldershot: Ashgate, 192 pp. (2) Kohl, Heribert/ Hans-Wolfgang Platzer (2004): Arbeitsbeziehungen in Mittelosteuropa. Transformation und Integration - die acht EU-Beitrittsländer im Vergleich. 2., neu bearb. u. aktual. Aufl., Baden-Baden: Nomos, 335 pp. (3) Kohl, Heribert/ Hans-Wolfgang Platzer (2004): Industrial relations in Central and Eastern Europe. Transformation and integration. A comparison of the eight new EU member states. Brussels: ETUI. 422 pp. (4) Marginson, Paul/ Keith Sisson (2004): European Integration and Industrial Relations. Multi-level Governance in the Making. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 360 pp.},
 keywords = {industrielle Beziehungen; industrial relations; Arbeitsbeziehungen; labor relations; Mitteleuropa; Central Europe; Osteuropa; Eastern Europe; Transformation; transformation; EU-Beitritt; joining the European Union; europäische Integration; European integration; Governance; governance; EU; EU}}