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@article{ Gerhardt2010,
 title = {Fall und Struktur: Grundlagen und Anwendung der Fall-Struktur-Analyse},
 author = {Gerhardt, Uta},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung},
 number = {1},
 pages = {75–90},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2010},
 issn = {1438-8324},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Die methodologischen Grundlagen und die Methode der Fall-Struktur-Analyse werden umrissen, um dieses Verfahren der qualitativen Sozialforschung vor dem Vergessen zu bewahren. Ein Postscriptum empfiehlt ein neues Anwendungsfeld, die historische Biographieforschung." (Autorenreferat)"The article focuses on the foundations and method of Case-Structure-Analysis, a qualitative approach far too little known when it was used in two large-scale studies in England and Germany. In a postscriptum, a field of application of Case-Structure-Analysis is being sketched - the systematic interpretation of historical biographical data." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {research; sociology; narrative interview; soziologische Theorie; grounded theory; emigration; Methodologie; Handlungstheorie; Nationalsozialismus; action theory; political persecution; historiography; Nazism; Soziologie; Biographie; social research; sociological theory; Auswanderung; Sozialforschung; Anwendung; Geschichtsschreibung; biographische Methode; theory of society; biographical method; Gesellschaftstheorie; methodology; Geschichtswissenschaft; Grundlagenforschung; qualitative method; basic research; Medizinsoziologie; Grounded Theory; politische Verfolgung; medical sociology; narratives Interview; qualitative Methode; science of history; Forschung; biography; application}}