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@article{ Horst2008,
 title = {A monopoly on assistance: international aid to refugee camps and the neglected role of the Somali diaspora},
 author = {Horst, Cindy},
 journal = {Afrika Spectrum},
 number = {1},
 pages = {121-131},
 volume = {43},
 year = {2008},
 issn = {0002-0397},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Flüchtling; refugee; Flüchtlingspolitik; policy on refugees; internationale Hilfe; international aid; Somalia; Somalia; Diaspora; diaspora; humanitäre Hilfe; humanitarian aid; Entwicklungshilfe; development aid; Nachhaltigkeit; sustainability; Kenia; Kenya; Entwicklungsland; developing country; Ostafrika; East Africa}}