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@article{ Müller-Jentsch2010,
 title = {Industrial Relations und/oder Human Resource Management?},
 author = {Müller-Jentsch, Walther},
 journal = {Industrielle Beziehungen : Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management},
 number = {3},
 pages = {299-306},
 volume = {17},
 year = {2010},
 issn = {0943-2779},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Besprechungsessay: 1. The SAGE Handbook of Industrial Relations. Edited by Paul Blyton, Nicolas Bacon, Jack Fiorito and Edmund Heery. Sage Publication Ltd., Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore 2008. 2. The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management. Edited by Peter Boxall, John Purcell and Patrick Wright. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007.},
 keywords = {Personalwesen; human resources; industrielle Beziehungen; industrial relations; Personalmanagement; human resource management; Wissenschaftsdisziplin; scientific discipline}}