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@article{ Hanekamp2001,
 title = {Kulturalistische Unternehmensethik: ein Programm},
 author = {Hanekamp, Gerd},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik},
 number = {1},
 pages = {48-71},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2001},
 issn = {1439-880X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Das Programm einer kulturalistischen Unternehmensethik wird vorgestellt. Es gründet auf einem philosophischen Ansatz, der sich als instrumentalistisch, kontextualistisch, transsubjektivistisch und individualistisch charakterisieren lässt. Hinsichtlich der ethischen Grundlagen werden starke Thesen durch den Rekurs auf eine kontextualistisch-normative Anthropologie vermieden." (Autorenreferat)"Based on a methodical culturalistic approach to philosophical thinking a research agenda towards a culturalistic business ethics is presented. The underlying approach can be characterized as instrumentalistic, contextualistic, transsubjectivistic, and individualistic. Concerning the ethical base strong presuppositions are avoided by relying on a contextualistic normative anthropology for foundational purposes. Business ethics as an applied ethics is described as having to rely heavily on philosophy of science analysis since the assessment of consequences of relevant actions is a prerequisite for ethical reasoning. Having identified two fields of foundational, importance conditions are introduced which business ethics have to fulfill in order to be taken into consideration by decision makers: It has to be easily comprehensible and easily implemented. In spite of their apparent triviality these thesis are far from generally being borne in mind." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Unternehmen; enterprise; Unternehmenskultur; organizational culture; Wirtschaftsethik; business ethics; Handlungsorientierung; action orientation; Methodologie; methodology; Philosophie; philosophy; Anthropologie; anthropology; Vernunft; reason; soziale Norm; social norm; Forschungsansatz; research approach; Praxisbezug; practice relevance; Kulturwissenschaft; cultural studies}}