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@article{ Moreira2013,
 title = {Learning from failure: China's overseas oil investments},
 author = {Moreira, Susana},
 journal = {Journal of Current Chinese Affairs},
 number = {1},
 pages = {131-165},
 volume = {42},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {1868-4874},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Thirsty for oil and other raw materials needed to fuel its breakneck development,
      China is funnelling money and manpower into an expanding number of countries in order
      to secure access to natural resources. This effort has successfully increased Chinese
      oil assets overseas but it has also exposed Beijing and Chinese national oil companies
      (NOCs) to significant risks. The present paper focuses on one type of risk – political
      risk – and how it has affected China’s global quest for oil since 1993. It starts
      with a brief overview of political risk. It then looks at political risk management
      as applied to the oil industry in general. The paper continues with a discussion of
      the political risk management of Chinese national oil companies over time. This includes
      a concise exam-ination of several instances in which the interests of Chinese NOCs
      have been undermined due to political risk and the shortcomings in the approaches
      of Chinese NOCs to political risk. Recent developments suggest that Chinese NOCs are
      learning from these mistakes and adjusting their strategies accordingly. Although
      progress toward these readjust-ments has been made, China’s own socio-political context
      is still hampering the ability of Chinese NOCs to deal with on-the-ground realities
      that are clearly much more unstable than China’s own.},
 keywords = {China; China; internationale Beziehungen; international relations; Erdöl; crude oil; Investition; investment; Ressourcen; resources; Staatstätigkeit; public policy; Risiko; risk; Global Player; global player; Einfluss; influence; Lernprozess; learning process; politische Entscheidung; political decision; Ostasien; Far East}}