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@article{ Carvalho2013,
 title = {Reflecting on the practice of nursing care systematization in the intensive care unit},
 author = {Carvalho, Ana Cláudia Tavares Ribeiro and Oliveira, Karine Tsouroutsoglou de and Almeida, Raquel Silva de and Souza, Flávia Silva de and Menezes, Harlon França de},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {2},
 pages = {3723-3729},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: To identify the experiences of nurses in the practice of nursing care systematization in the intensive care unit 
(ICU). Method: This was a descriptive and expIoratory study with a qualitative approach through field research. It was a 
private hospital located in Niterói, in a municipality of Rio de Janeiro City. The participants are 10 nurses who work in the 
sector of intensive care. Results: The statements suffered thematic analysis where emerged the following classes: Factors 
affecting the implementation of the SAE in the ICU and (un) knowable of nurses about the CNS. Conclusion: It might be 
understood that the NSQ and its implementation in the ICU run through intricacies that interact directly with the nursing care 
technologies. We should express that the nurse should be seen as the first customer, in other words, requires professional 
valuation with respect to his individuality, so he will provide to the customers a full commitment based on motivation to
implement the CNS},
 keywords = {quality; intensive care medicine; nursing staff; Intensivmedizin; Pflegepersonal; Professionalisierung; Brazil; professionalization; nursing; Qualität; Krankenpflege; hospital care (inpatient); Brasilien; stationäre Versorgung}}