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@article{ Mendes2013,
 title = {Sizing personnel: evaluation of nursing in obstetric and mixed pediatric intensive care units},
 author = {Mendes, Rodrigo Nonato Coelho and Carmo, Amanda de Figueirôa Silva and Salum, Rosana Dourado Loula and Gusmão-Filho, Fernando Antônio Ribeiro de and Vidal, Suely Arruda and Santos, Viviane Euzébia Perreira},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {2},
 pages = {3706-3716},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objectives: To assess the adequacy of nursing staff and understand how these professionals perceive this issue. 
Methods: evaluative, exploratory, descriptive, quantitative and qualitative study, developed in Obstetric and Mixed 
Pediatric ICUs for the Hospital Don Malan / IMIP in Petrolina-PE. Was calculated the scaling nursing and 13 semistructured interviews were conducted, analyzed according to Bardin. Results: Mixed Pediatric ICU has correct number 
of staff and Obstetric decreasing the frame. The units have shortage of nurses and an incorrect distribution by 
category/ bed. It was observed that the nursing staff of the Pediatric ICUs Mixed considers its high workload, while in 
the ICU Obstetric this was considered mild. Conclusion: The scaling of nursing without compliance with the current 
legislation may compromise the quality of care offered, especially in units of critical care.},
 keywords = {quality; intensive care medicine; nursing staff; Intensivmedizin; Pflegepersonal; Krankenhaus; hospital; nursing; Qualität; Personalabbau; Krankenpflege; workload; Arbeitsbelastung; layoffs}}