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@article{ Krasilnikova2012,
 title = {Проблемы презентации регионов России  в германоязычной научной литературе и СМИ  (на примере Республики Татарстан)},
 author = {Krasilnikova, Oxana},
 journal = {The News of Altai State University},
 number = {4-2 (76)},
 pages = {253-255},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {1561-9443},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {European experts, journalists and the public pay close attention to the changes in political and economic situation in Russia. The Republic of Tatarstan is an example of the most steadily developing region in the Russian Federation. Perceptions of the regional changes and their interpretation, as reflected in the foreign press and in the scientific literature, allows estimating the nature and direction of political and economic transformations.},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; international relations; bilateral relations; economic development (on national level); Stereotyp; Wirtschaftsentwicklung; Berichterstattung; bilaterale Beziehungen; politische Entwicklung; Medien; Russland; Federal Republic of Germany; stereotype; Russia; regional development; internationale Beziehungen; reporting; political development; media; regionale Entwicklung}}