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@article{ Valencia Grajales2011,
 title = {Evolución de las estrategias de guerra en Colombia ¿Cómo han evolucionado las estrategias de guerra utilizadas por el ejército colombiano en la historia de Colombia, 1 desde 1930 hasta 2006?},
 author = {Valencia Grajales, José Fernando and Insuasty Rodriguez, Alfonso},
 journal = {Revista El Agora USB},
 number = {1},
 pages = {67-88},
 volume = {11},
 address = {Medellín},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1657-8031},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This current historic research aims to describe how the strategies of war used by the Colombian army in the history of Colombia, from 1930 to 2006, have evolved. To do so, first the strategies of war will be defined conceptually, and then, those used by the Colombian army, will be introduced. Finally, it will be attempted to make evident their evolution in this armed body, managing to leave further routes of analysis which can cross several variables, in order to better
understand the reality of a long armed
conflict as it is the Colombian case.},
 keywords = {Militärpolitik; Bürgerkrieg; politische Strategie; historische Entwicklung; Kolumbien; guerrilla; Guerilla; civil war; military; Militär; military conflict; military policy; conflict management; historical development; Konfliktregelung; militärischer Konflikt; political strategy; Colombia}}