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@article{ Novikova2012,
 title = {Comparative study of phraseology as a principle of nationally-oriented teaching Russian to Chinese students},
 author = {Novikova, Anna},
 journal = {Modern Research of Social Problems},
 number = {1},
 pages = {22},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2218-7405},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article characterizes national  - orientation principle in teaching Chinese 
students Russian phraseology. Basing on the observations of Russian linguists and 
methodists, and on her own experience of teaching Chinese students, the author pays 
attention to the following aspects of the problem: the main differences between 
Russian and Chinese phraseological systems; difficulties in comparing Russian and 
Chinese phraseological units; the most common mistakes made by Chinese students 
while using Russian phraseological units. According to the author, describing and 
considering the above-mentioned problems helps to make the process of teaching 
Chinese students Russian phraseological units more effective.},
 keywords = {russische Sprache; Russian language; Chinese; Chinese; Sprachunterricht; language instruction; Analyse; analysis; Sprache; language; Sprachgebrauch; language usage; Kompetenz; competence; Sprachverhalten; language behavior}}