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@incollection{ Horga2011,
 title = {Multilevel Governance (MLG) and Subsidiary Principle in White Paper of MLG of the Committee of the Regions (COR)},
 author = {Horga, Ioan and Florian, Gyula Laszlo},
 editor = {Horga, Ioan and Bărbulescu, Iordan and Ivan, Adrian and Palinchak, Mykolia and Süli-Zakar, István},
 year = {2011},
 booktitle = {Regional and cohesion policy: insights into the role of the partnership principle in the new policy design},
 pages = {159-165},
 address = {Oradea},
 isbn = {978-606-10-0449-2},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {EU; europäische Institution; Lisbon Treaty; multi-level-governance; Ausschuss der Regionen; Multi-Level-Governance; Lissabon-Vertrag; Subsidiaritätsprinzip; Committee  of the Regions; European institution; EU; principle of subsidiarity}}