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@article{ Kaltwasser2011,
 title = {Skizze einer vergleichenden Forschungsagenda zum Populismus},
 author = {Kaltwasser, Cristóbal Rovira},
 journal = {Totalitarismus und Demokratie},
 number = {2},
 pages = {251-271},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1612-9008},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Both in public opinion and the realm of the social sciences a common definition of populism is absent. The concept of populism has been used to refer to such a variety of phenomena, that it is more than problematical for undertaking comparative analysis. In this paper I discuss different methodological approaches to define populism and I argue that a minimal concept of populism is the most fruitful approach to develop a comparative research agenda. To show this, I compare the minimal definitions developed by Kurt Weyland (populism as a political strategy) and Cas Mudde (populism as a thin-centered ideology). Moreover, I explain why Mudde's definition should be the starting point for a comparative research agenda on populism. To conclude, I show that this minimal definition is helpful for analyzing the ambivalent relationship between populism and democracy." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {mass; theory comparison; party; political theory; Latin America; vergleichende Politikwissenschaft; Elite; Ambivalenz; Begriff; Demokratie; concept; right-wing radicalism; power; Diskurs; discourse; Populismus; people; Partei; Theorievergleich; Europa; comparative political science; Neoliberalismus; politische Theorie; Korruption; populism; politische Strategie; Europe; Masse; Macht; Definition; neoliberalism; elite; democracy; research approach; Forschungsansatz; Entwicklungsland; definition; Rechtsradikalismus; Volk; ambivalence; developing country; corruption; Lateinamerika; political strategy}}