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@article{ Volodina2012,
 title = {Preprofile preparation of children without parental care in residential care},
 author = {Volodina, Julia and Matyash, Natalia},
 journal = {Koncept (Kirov): Scientific and Methodological e-magazine},
 number = {8},
 pages = {9},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2304-120X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article deals with the psychological and pedagogical features of the preparation of orphans to professional self-determination. The analysis of experimental data, temporal perspective of orphans, their professional interests and inclinations, self-concept as a component of self-consciousness of adolescents. The characteristic of the program of psychological support for children orphaned during preprofile training.},
 keywords = {Waise; orphan; Heimkind; child brought up in an institution; Heimerziehung; upbringing in an institution home; Selbstbestimmung; self-determination; Selbstbewusstsein; self-confidence}}