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@book{ Ul Hassan2011,
 title = {Follow the innovation - participatory testing and adaptation of agricultural innovations in Uzbekistan: guidelines for researchers and practitioners},
 author = {Ul Hassan, Mehmood and Hornidge, Anna-Katharina and Akramkhanov, Akmal and Rudenko, Inna and Djanibekov, Nodir and Veldhuizen, Laurens van},
 year = {2011},
 pages = {35},
 address = {Bonn},
 publisher = {Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung},
 isbn = {978-3-940124-33-3},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Usbekistan; Uzbekistan; UdSSR-Nachfolgestaat; USSR successor state; Landwirtschaft; agriculture; landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung; agricultural development; Innovation; innovation; Wasser; water; Nutzung; utilization; Bodennutzung; land use; nachhaltige Entwicklung; sustainable development; Entwicklungshilfe; development aid; Bewässerung; irrigation; sozioökonomische Faktoren; socioeconomic factors; Wissenschaft; science; Praxisbezug; practice relevance}}