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@article{ Rathje1999,
 title = {Digitale Datenbestände von Behörden und Einrichtungen der DDR im Bundesarchiv},
 author = {Rathje, Ulf and Wettengel, Michael},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {4},
 pages = {70-101},
 volume = {24},
 year = {1999},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung 1990 musste das Bundesarchiv auch eine große Menge elektronisch gespeicherter Datensätze übernehmen. Inzwischen sind ungefähr 5000 solcher Datensätze archiviert. In diesem Zusammenhang ergaben sich eine Reihe von Problemen. Einerseits führte der oft schlechte Zustand der Speichermedien teilweise zum Verlust der Daten, andererseits musste die Struktur der Daten vielfach aufwendig rekonstruiert werden. Eine vollständige Konvertierung der Daten wird noch Jahre in Anspruch nehmen. Dennoch liegen heute schon Daten in für eine wissenschaftliche Analyse geeigneter Form vor, verschiedene Datenbanken des Bundesarchivs sind gegenwärtig Gegenstand von Forschungsprojekten. (ICEÜbers)'After the German reunification in 1990 the Archive of the German State 'Bundesarchiv' was not only confronted with the task of having to take over a large amount of files in paperform from dissolved authorities and institutions of the GDR, but had to cope with a large quantity of electronic data files as well. In the meantime about 5,000 data files originated from the GDR have been archived at the Bundesarchiv. These files raised a great number of problems for the solving of which there is hardly any experience available, and tested procedures for their handling do not exist. Even though the often bad condition of the storage media brought about partial loss of data, of more serious consequences were an often incomplete or non-esisting documentation for many of the data files. The saving of these files - if at all possible - can be obtained only by laboriously reconstructing the former structure of the data. Furthermore the formats of almost all data files did not adapt to our standard and are difficult to covert. A complete conversion and the accessibility to the contents of the data files will therefore demand many years of work. Nevertheless, today some parts of the data files are available in a suitable form for scientific analysis, and at present, several data bases of the Bundesarchiv are analyzed in research projects and their value for the scientific research of GDR history is much appreciated.' (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; data bank; German Democratic Republic (GDR); Datendokumentation; data organization; data; data storage; data preparation; Federal Republic of Germany; DDR; Datenbank; Datenspeicherung; Datenorganisation; Daten; data documentation; Datenaufbereitung}}