Bibtex export


@article{ Funk2000,
 title = {Forschungsrichtungen in der Anthropologie: Philosophische Anthropologie, Historische Anthropologie, Interkulturalität und Kulturanthropologie ; Überblick und Auswahlbibliographie},
 author = {Funk, Julika},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {2},
 pages = {54-138},
 volume = {25},
 year = {2000},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Der vorliegende Überblick entstand im Auftrag und bezogen auf den Kontext des Sonderforschungsbereichs 'Literatur und Anthropologie' an der Universität Konstanz. Im Sonderforschungsbereich wurde eine dreifache Fragestellung verfolgt: (1) Warum produzieren Menschen Literatur? (2) Was wird in der Literatur über den Menschen gesagt? (3) Wie verhalten sich die literarischen Darstellungen zu anderen sprachlichen Artikulationen des 'Menschlichen' oder zu anderen Formen der medialen Repräsentation? Die vorliegende kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie umfaßt vier Forschungsrichtungen: Die Historische Anthropologie, die Philosophische Anthropologie, Interkulturalität und Kulturanthropologie. Die Überblicksdarstellung beabsichtigt, die Hauptanliegen der vier Gebiete in Bezug auf methodische, reflexive und theoretische Überlegungen zu ordnen und kurz zu referieren. (ICA)'This overview of research in the field of anthropology seeks to offer an introduction into different directions and debates on the outlines of anthropological research and tries to relate the discussion in the German academic context to the Anglo-American context. It differentiates four fields: philosophical anthropology, historical anthropology, 'Interkulturalität' (inter-cultural relations) and cultural anthropology, and focuses on theoretical and methodological reflections and on interdisciplinary debates relating to literary studies. The German philosophical anthropology with it's sources in the Enlightenment tried to establish an universal concept of what the human being originally is or could be. The historical anthropology has criticised this concept of an unchangeable human nature because it doesn't take into account the historical changes and diversities of the development of human beings. Nevertheless in the German context both fields remained for a long time dominated by universalistic assumptions and critical debates about relativism. Only in the last years philosophical, historical, and literary research begin to interest in intercultural relations, in ethnology, and in Anglo-American cultural anthropology establishing a differentiated relation to ethnic or cultural otherness. These fields are also influenced by the 'linguistic turn' and the 'interpretative anthropology' focusing on the role of language and on modes of representation and symbolising. The overview is connected to a selected (and partly commented) bibliography.' (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Literatur; bibliography; Kulturanthropologie; Bibliographie; Geschichtswissenschaft; philosophy; Forschungsstand; language; cultural anthropology; anthropology; science of history; literature; intercultural factors; Sprache; research status; Philosophie; Anthropologie; interkulturelle Faktoren}}