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@article{ Joseph1999,
 title = {The Role of the Black Women in the Black Liberation Movement and the Women's Movement and on to Transnational Feminism},
 author = {Joseph, Gloria},
 journal = {Freiburger FrauenStudien},
 number = {2},
 pages = {79-86},
 year = {1999},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"As the title states I will be discussing the role that Black women in the USA have played in two major social movements in this Century - the Black Liberation Movement and the Women's Movement. Their roles were critical and pertinent forces in both movements. Subsequently, I will discuss their vision regarding globalization and transnational feminism." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Frau; woman; USA; United States of America; Frauenbewegung; women's movement; Befreiungsbewegung; liberation movement; Feminismus; feminism; Globalisierung; globalization}}