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@book{ Westin2010,
 title = {Identity processes and dynamics in multi-ethnic Europe},
 editor = {Westin, Charles and Bastos, José and Dahinden, Janine and Góis, Pedro},
 year = {2010},
 series = {IMISCoe Research},
 pages = {384},
 address = {Amsterdam},
 publisher = {Amsterdam Univ. Press},
 isbn = {978-90-8964-046-8},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This volume is a study of identity processes and identity dynamics in a post-colonial, multiethnic European context that is constantly changing under the pressures of globalisation, migration movements and integration. The authors represent a variety of disciplines: American studies, anthropology, cultural studies, ethnology, history, social psychology and sociology. Eleven of the thirteen chapters present empirical case studies from the Netherlands, Portugal, the Basque region, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.},
 keywords = {multicultural society; Ethnizität; ethnicity; Europe; identity formation; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; Identitätsbildung; Migration; soziale Integration; identity; social integration; Identität; Europa; ethnic relations; multikulturelle Gesellschaft; migration; gender-specific factors; ethnische Beziehungen}}