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@book{ Grießler2012,
 title = {Xenotransplantation Policies: Italy and The Holy See},
 author = {Grießler, Erich and Lang, Alexander and Metzler, Ingrid and Truttmann, Vera},
 year = {2012},
 series = {Reihe Soziologie / Institut für Höhere Studien, Abt. Soziologie},
 pages = {56},
 volume = {103},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Italy; Medizintechnik; Vatican City; Tier; Vatikan; public opinion; Biotechnik; Ethik; medical technology; Organtransplantation; Gesundheitspolitik; Italien; citizens' participation; regulation; health policy; Wissenschaftssoziologie; decision making; öffentliche Meinung; Bürgerbeteiligung; Regulierung; biotechnology; ethics; Entscheidungsfindung; organ transplant; sociology of science; animal}}