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@article{ Danesi2011,
 title = {Making sense of an unstable legislature: committee assignments in the Argentine chamber of deputies, 1946-2001},
 author = {Danesi, Silvina Lilian and Rheault, Ludovic},
 journal = {Journal of Politics in Latin America},
 number = {3},
 pages = {35-64},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1868-4890},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Latin American legislatures have gone largely unstudied, with the functioning of the Argentine Chamber of Deputies prior to the 1980s being an entirely unexplored subject. This paper fills that gap by examining the organization of the Chamber, with particular focus on its standing committee system from 1946 to 2001. We assess the portability of two U.S.-based theoretical approaches to legislative organization by applying them to committee assignments. An original data set of Argentine deputies was constructed and a way of measuring political power in committees was devised for this study. Despite weak democratic governments, military interventions, and changes to the electoral system, we find that ruling parties have consistently influenced the committee system, shaping its structure and securing an over-proportion of their deputies in key committee positions. These results support the applicability of the U.S. originated Cartel Theory of legislative organization to understanding and studying legislatures outside that country.Las legislaturas latinoamericanas no han recibido debida atención. Un caso emblemático es la Cámara de Diputados Argentina, cuyo funcionamiento previo a los 1980’s ha sido inexplorado. Este artículo persigue llenar ese vacío examinando la organización de su sistema de comisiones permanentes desde 1946 hasta 2001. Para ello, evaluamos la aplicabilidad de dos teorías norteamericanas sobre organización legislativa para analizar la integración de comisiones, creamos una base de datos de diputados argentinos y diseñamos una forma de medir su poder político en las comisiones. A pesar de la inestabilidad institucional y los cambios de sistema electoral, los resultados demuestran que los partidos que controlaron la Cámara influenciaron en forma sistemática el sistema de comisiones, cambiando su estructura y asegurando la sobrerrepresentación de sus diputados en cargos clave. El estudio confirma, asimismo, la aplicabilidad de la teoría del cartel para estudiar y comprender el funcionamiento de legislaturas fuera de los Estados Unidos.},
 keywords = {politisches System; Kommission; institutional factors; institutionelle Faktoren; politisches Regime; party; Latin America; Wahlsystem; Parlament; reform; parliament; electoral system; board; political regime; Partei; Reform; political system; Argentinien; Abgeordneter; Südamerika; Argentina; representative; South America; Lateinamerika}}