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@article{ Jacobs2011,
 title = {A dragon and a dove? A comparative overview of Chinese and European trade relations with Sub-Saharan Africa},
 author = {Jacobs, Bert},
 journal = {Journal of Current Chinese Affairs},
 number = {4},
 pages = {17-60},
 volume = {40},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1868-4874},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {As China's footprint in African trade grows larger by the day, the need to contextualize this rise through comparative analysis becomes ever more necessary. This paper contrasts the sub-Saharan trade relations of both China and Europe with their respective designated stereotypes: those of a dragon and a dove. The article compares the trade dynamics on four levels: the policies and institutional mechanisms that shape the relationship; the composition of the trade flows; the geographic distribution of trade dominance; and the influence of norms and values on the trade pattern. It concludes that although there are empirical grounds behind these stereotypes, Chinese and European trade relations with sub-Saharan Africa are becoming more similar, partly due to a more hawkish European stance.},
 keywords = {EU; international relations; Ostasien; Wirtschaftsbeziehungen; Außenwirtschaft; GASP; Außenhandelspolitik; Afrika südlich der Sahara; foreign trade; Africa; CFSP; China; internationale Beziehungen; economic relations; export policy; China; Africa South of the Sahara; international economics; Afrika; Far East; Außenhandel; EU}}