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@incollection{ Hankiss2002,
 title = {Brilliant ideas or brilliant errors? Twelve years of social science research in Eastern Europe},
 author = {Hankiss, Elemér},
 editor = {Kaase, Max and Sparschuh, Vera and Wenninger, Agnieszka},
 year = {2002},
 booktitle = {Three social science disciplines in Central and Eastern Europe: handbook on economics, political science and sociology (1989-2001)},
 pages = {17-24},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften},
 isbn = {3-8206-0139-2},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The Age of Expectations (1980-1989); The Age of Transitology (1990-1994); The Age of Apprenticeship (1992-1994); The Age of Professionalism (1995-); The Age of New Fears (1994-1999);The Age of Perplexity (1998-); The Age of Uncertainty? (2001-); Prospects.},
 keywords = {research; social science; Eastern Europe; Forschung; Sozialwissenschaft; Osteuropa}}