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@article{ Butratana2011,
 title = {Thai communities in Vienna},
 author = {Butratana, Kosita and Trupp, Alexander},
 journal = {ASEAS - Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {183-190},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1999-253X},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {'This article provides a short overview on Thais in Vienna, offering some selected impressions of the second largest South-East Asian community in Austria. For a long time immigrants have mainly been portrayed as cheap labor force and low-skilled workers who were recruited in order to counter the problem of labor shortage in Austria (Castles & Miller, 2003; Mayer, 2010). Indeed, immigrants from all over the world have shaped the appearance and development of Vienna for centuries. In this context, not much is known about South-East Asian communities in Vienna. Official data of Statistik Austria (2010a) registered 22,551 South-East Asians in Austria, with more than half of them living in Vienna. This number includes persons who hold a South-East Asian citizenship (whether they were born in Austria or abroad) as well as persons who were born in South-East Asia but now hold Austrian citizenship.' (extract)},
 keywords = {Vienna; Austria; social situation; Südostasien; alien; Asia; migrant; Migration; Diaspora; Österreich; diaspora; Ausländer; Migrant; Thailand; Wien; Entwicklungsland; migration; Thailand; Asien; Southeast Asia; soziale Lage; Einwanderung; immigration; developing country}}