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@book{ Kaiser1995,
 title = {Die EU-Volksabstimmungen in Österreich, Finnland, Schweden und Norwegen: Verlauf, Ergebnisse Motive und Folgen},
 author = {Kaiser, Wolfram and Visuri, Pekka and Malmström, Cecilia and Hjelseth, Arve and Listhaug, Ola and Jenssen, Anders Todal},
 year = {1995},
 series = {Reihe Politikwissenschaft / Institut für Höhere Studien, Abt. Politikwissenschaft},
 pages = {22},
 volume = {23},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper analysis the 1994 EU referenda in Austria, Finland, Sweden and Norway in a comparative perspective. It shows that the results were, to some extent at least, related to how pronounced the respective elite consensus was on the necessity or desirability of EU membership. It also shows that in all cases the main motivation of the Yes voters was economic. The paper goes on to analyse the regional and social variations in voting patterns. In the concluding chapter some of the medium- and longterm effects of the referenda debates and results on Austrian, Finnish and Swedish government policy within the EU are outlined. [author's abstract]},
 keywords = {voting behavior; EU; plebiscite; Austria; Sweden; Schweden; Volksabstimmung; Österreich; Wahlverhalten; Finland; Norway; EU-Beitritt; joining the European Union; Norwegen; election research; Finnland; referendum; Wahlforschung; EU; Volksentscheid}}