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@incollection{ Gschwend2009,
 title = {District magnitude and the comparative study of strategic voting},
 author = {Gschwend, Thomas},
 editor = {Klingemann, Hans-Dieter},
 year = {2009},
 booktitle = {The comparative study of electoral systems},
 pages = {289-307},
 address = {Oxford},
 publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press},
 isbn = {978-0-19-921735-9},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {electoral district; voting behavior; party; Wahlsystem; quantity; preference; Prognosemodell; electoral system; Wahlkreis; Wahlverhalten; comparison; Partei; Wahlergebnis; Präferenz; strategy; election result; predictive model; Strategie; Quantität; Vergleich}}