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@article{ Gschwend2005,
 title = {Analyzing quota sample data and the peer-review process},
 author = {Gschwend, Thomas},
 journal = {French Politics},
 number = {1},
 pages = {88-91},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"There is no random sampling in France. Thus, when analyzing French survey data,
everyscholar has to deal with an important methodological challenge: How can
one use the standard panoplyof significance tests on quota sample data? This essay
suggests some strategies for successfullydealing with such enquiries during the
peer-review process. Scholars should gather as much external evidence as possible
to argue that their achieved sample represents the population on as many
dimensions as possible. The more evidence theyare able to compile, the more
confidence there is that their estimation results are robust even based on quota
sample data." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {random sample; representativity; sample; öffentliche Meinung; France; Schätzung; public opinion; Zufallsauswahl; significance test; Frankreich; Signifikanztest; Repräsentativität; Quote; Stichprobe; survey research; quota; estimation; Umfrageforschung}}