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@article{ Voronov2009,
 title = {Russians in Latvia: peculiarities of socio-cultural adaptation and identity},
 author = {Voronov, Viktor},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {1},
 pages = {79-82},
 year = {2009},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The author identifies trends and variations of the socio-cultural identity and integration of Russians in Latvia. According to the author, since the middle 1990s, two trends have been recognized - first, the 'ingrowing' of ethnic Russians into the life of independent Latvia, and second, forming their new identity. The article presents a number of factors hampering the integration of ethnic Russians into Latvian society. Variations and options of socio-cultural identity and integration (or assimilation) of the Russian population of Latvia are shown.},
 keywords = {Latvia; Assimilation; soziale Integration; Russe; Russland; identity; social integration; Anpassung; Identität; Russia; adaptation; sociocultural factors; Russian; assimilation; soziokulturelle Faktoren; Lettland}}