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@article{ Woessmann2009,
 title = {Families, Schools, and Primary-School Learning: Evidence for Argentina and Colombia in an International Perspective},
 author = {Woessmann, Ludger},
 journal = {Applied Economics},
 number = {21},
 pages = {2645-2665},
 volume = {42},
 year = {2009},
 issn = {1466-4283},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper presents evidence on the associations between family background, school characteristics and student performance in primary school in Argentina, Colombia and several comparison countries. As a general pattern, educational performance is strongly related to family background, weakly to some institutional school features and hardly to schools’ resource endowments. In an international perspective, family-background effects are relatively large in Argentina, and relatively small in Colombia. A specific Argentine feature is the lack of performance differences between rural and urban areas. A specific Colombian feature is the lack of significant between-gender performance differences. Non-native students and students not speaking Spanish at home perform particularly weak in both countries. In Argentina, students perform better in schools with a centralized curriculum and ability-based class formation.},