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@book{ Josten2003,
 title = {The political economy of growth and distribution: a theoretical critique},
 author = {Josten, Stefan Dietrich and Truger, Achim},
 year = {2003},
 series = {WSI-Diskussionspapier},
 pages = {27},
 volume = {111},
 address = {Düsseldorf},
 publisher = {Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut in der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"This paper reconsiders the political economy approach to growth and distribution according to which (1) rising inequality induces more government redistribution; (2) more government redistribution is financed by higher distortionary taxation; and (3) higher distortionary taxes reduce economic growth. We present a variety of theoretical arguments demonstrating that all three propositions may be overturned by simply changing an assumption in a plausible way or adding a relevant real-world element to the basal models. The political economy models of growth and distribution, as well as the specific inequality-growth transmission channel they propose, must therefore be assessed as overly simplistic and inadequate with respect to the issues studied." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {redistribution; Umverteilung; income; economic growth; Steuern; Verteilung; taxes; politische Ökonomie; Wirtschaftswachstum; political economy; ökonomische Theorie; Einkommen; distribution; Ungleichheit; inequality; economic theory}}