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@article{ Price2005,
 title = {Of bandits and saints: Jesús Malverde and the struggle for place                in Sinaloa, Mexico},
 author = {Price, Patricia L.},
 journal = {Cultural Geographies},
 number = {2},
 pages = {175-197},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Jesús Malverde, a bandit who was assassinated in 1909, crystallizes the                struggle for place-understood both literally and metaphorically-in northern Mexico.                The socially and economically marginal people who revered him in the nineteenth                century adore him as a lay saint today. Contention over building a chapel to                Malverde in Culiacán, the capital city of the northern Mexican state of                Sinaloa, distils broader tensions over the Mexican state’s persistent                deferral of the poor from inclusion in the official landscape of the nation.                Malverde’s appropriation by Sinaloa’s narcotraffickers as their                patron saint extends this symbolic and material claim to legitimacy to include those                who exist outside the official boundaries. The border between the sacred and the                profane is often a site of social struggle, and the case of Malverde is no                exception. While the legend of Malverde may well have been invented, its negotiation                has proven remarkably long-lived and powerful in shaping and reshaping the                iconographic and material landscapes of social inclusion and exclusion. Malverde                thus offers an empty signifier whose multiple interpretations yield a surplus of                symbolic meanings and material production based on the circulation, negotiation,                appropriation, and reinterpretation of those meanings.},