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@article{ Yemelianova2005,
 title = {Kinship, ethnicity and religion in post-Communist societies},
 author = {Yemelianova, Galina M.},
 journal = {Ethnicities},
 number = {1},
 pages = {51-82},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Among the consequences of perestroika and the subsequent breakup of the                Soviet Union in 1991 has been the rise of ethnic nationalism. In the non-Russian                parts of the former USSR this process has been accompanied by the reactivation of                clan and other primordial social networks which under Soviet Communism had been in                abeyance. This article, based on extensive field research material, examines                political and social transformation in post-Communist Kabardino-Balkariya, a Russian                Muslim autonomy in the North Caucasus. In particular, it analyses the nature of the                nation-building policies of the ruling regime, and its relationship with the clan                system. It is also concerned with Islamic revival and Islamic radicalism in the                region and their correlation with the Islam-related republican and wider federal                policies. The article reveals some grey areas in the current academic debate on                ethnicity and nationalism and injects more conceptual syncretism into the study of                post-Communist societies.},
 keywords = {Islam; Islam}}