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@article{ Boen2006,
 title = {Group Status as a Determinant of Organizational Identification After a                Takeover: A Social Identity Perspective},
 author = {Boen, Filip and Vanbeselaere, Norbert and Cool, Marijke},
 journal = {Group Processes & Intergroup Relations},
 number = {4},
 pages = {547-560},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This study investigates the relation between the perceived status of an organization                after a takeover (i.e. post-merger status) on employees’ identification                with this new organization (i.e. their post-merger identification). Respondents were                234 employees of a corrugated board producing company, which had taken over a                smaller company eight months before. As hypothesized, post-merger status was                positively related to organizational identification among employees of the                lower-status pre-merger company, but they were not related among employees of the                higher-status company. Also in line with the expectations, post-merger status was                positively related to organizational identification among employees who had                identified weakly with their pre-merger group, but not among employees who had                identified strongly with their pre-merger group.},