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@article{ Ensari2005,
 title = {Prejudice and Intergroup Attributions: The Role of Personalization and                Performance Feedback},
 author = {Ensari, Nurcan and Miller, Norman},
 journal = {Group Processes & Intergroup Relations},
 number = {4},
 pages = {391-410},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {We manipulated personalization and group performance feedback to examine their                effects on intergroup attributions and prejudice. Following high or low levels of                personalized contact with a typical out-group member, participants learned either                that the out-group had generally succeeded or that the in-group had failed at the                participant’s task. Under high personalization and out-group success,                participants exhibited less attributional bias in explaining the success of new                out-group job applicants and less prejudice toward them than those under low                personalization. By contrast, when one’s in-group had failed, we found                similar favorability toward in-group and out-group job applicants. Importantly, when                ability attributions and friendliness were separately combined with subjective                personalization, both combinations mediated the effects of manipulated                personalization in reducing prejudice toward new out-group persons.},
 keywords = {attribution; Attribution}}