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@article{ Bauer2007,
 title = {What can we learn from 25 years of PUS survey research? Liberating and                expanding the agenda},
 author = {Bauer, Martin W. and Allum, Nick and Miller, Steve},
 journal = {Public Understanding of Science},
 number = {1},
 pages = {79-95},
 volume = {16},
 year = {2007},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper reviews key issues of public understanding of science (PUS) research over                the last quarter of a century. We show how the discussion has moved in relation to                large-scale surveys of public perceptions by tracing developments through three                paradigms: science literacy, public understanding of science and                    science and society. Naming matters here like elsewhere as a marker of                “tribal identity.” Each paradigm frames the problem differently,                poses characteristic questions, offers preferred solutions, and displays a rhetoric                of “progress” over the previous one. We argue that the polemic                over the “deficit concept” voiced a valid critique of a common                sense concept among experts, but confused the issue with methodological protocol.                PUS research has been hampered by this “essentialist”                association between the survey research protocol and the public deficit model. We                argue that this fallacious link should be severed to liberate and to expand the                research agenda in four directions: contextualizing survey research, searching for                cultural indicators, integrating datasets and doing longitudinal analysis, and                including other data streams. Under different presumptions, assumed and granted, we                anticipate a fertile period for survey research on public understanding of science.},