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@article{ Schütz2008,
 title = {Framing effects on risk perception of nanotechnology},
 author = {Schütz, Holger and Wiedemann, Peter M.},
 journal = {Public Understanding of Science},
 number = {3},
 pages = {369-379},
 volume = {17},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {How do people judge nanotechnology risks that are completely unfamiliar to them?                Drawing on results of previous studies on framing and risk perception, two                hypotheses about potential influences on nanotechnology risk perception were                examined in an experimental study: 1) Risk perception of nanotechnology is                influenced by its benefit perception. 2) Risk perception of nanotechnology is                influenced by the context in which nanotechnology is embedded, specifically by the                characteristics of the enterprises that profit from nanotechnology: large                multinational enterprises versus small and medium-sized enterprises. In contrast to                findings for other new technologies, e.g. biotechnology, the different types of                benefit did not affect risk perceptions in our study. However, we found that                characterizing the enterprises as large multinational versus small or medium-sized                leads to differences in risk perception. One can speculate that when personal                knowledge about a technology is lacking, people use more familiar aspects from the                social context as cues for their risk evaluation.},